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Use Case

OSINT & Threat Intelligence

The actionable insights you need are hiding in plain sight


of U.S. national security agencies have partnered with Babel Street

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The Situation

You can’t neutralize a threat until you know it exists

Publicly available information is a force multiplier for threat identification and intelligence operations

The Challenge

Sophisticated technologies and ubiquitous data have enabled both interconnectedness and vulnerability around the world — and have given rise to a variety of threats by nation states and terrorist organizations intent on doing harm.  

Physical threats to citizens, critical infrastructure, and supply chains are well understood, but evolving cybersecurity, political, and economic threats are more difficult to detect. Today’s adversaries are more sophisticated and pose threats that were unimaginable even a few years ago.  

Intelligence professionals must quickly define and detect threats since delays can have severe consequences, such as classified data breaches, infrastructure damage, and loss of lives. Organizations must integrate data gleaned from open sources, exquisite intelligence, and internal systems into a complete picture from which to derive insights.

The Babel Street Solution

The Babel Street Ecosystem offers access to thousands of global and regional publicly available information (PAI) sources in over 200 languages to rapidly discover and decipher physical, cyber, political, and economic threats.  

AI-powered search results help customers extract insights around topics such as Russia’s political interference, China’s growing presence in Africa, and Iran’s increasing cyber threats. Analysts can easily pivot between a broad search, a company search, and a mobile telemetry search to potentially identify signals and proximity, persons of interest, or to pinpoint perimeters of risk.

The Impact on Your Organization

Threat identification and remediation that draws on the power of open-source intelligence (OSINT) distilled into timely, actionable insights is crucial to safeguarding a nation’s citizenry, system of government, and economic well-being. Babel Street's solutions deliver:

  • Search and retrieval of public documents and profiles of people and companies  
  • Social media monitoring capabilities
  • Social network detection and influencer analysis (SNA)
  • Curated and hard-to-access regional data
  • Commercial telemetry data
  • Knowledge visualization and collaboration

These capabilities arm intelligence professionals and analysts with a powerful collection of tools that enable them to take the right action in time to make a difference.  

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The Babel Street Difference

Open-source intelligence and threat identification has never been this advanced

  • Multi-Language Smart Search

    Discover and analyze millions of relevant documents a day across hundreds of languages for early warnings and indications of threats

  • Automated and Efficient Bulk Data Enrichment

    Process massive volumes of unstructured text by extracting locations, analyzing sentiments, classifying topics, and detecting violent intent

  • Multilingual Translation and Ontology

    Get pre-built, domain-specific AI models and ontologies to increase time to value and time to insights

  • Safe, Anonymous Web Research

    Conduct online research with a localized perspective in a secure environment for managing online appearance, overcoming IP address bias, and safely accessing and sharing files

  • Social Media Network and Influencer Analysis

    From keywords or a few accounts, map the social media network of a topic or group and identify the key influencers within minutes

  • Ongoing Threat Monitoring

    Rapidly and persistently scan PAI and commercially available (CAI) sources to detect and track developing threats, monitor the movements of individuals and groups of interest, and begin response planning

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