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Use Case

AI-enabled Border Security with Real-time Visa Screening

Enhanced decision-making for secure commerce, travel, and entry


Million daily watch list checks are powered by Babel Street

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The Situation

Unsafe borders endanger citizens and stifle economic growth

Combining the power of publicly available information (PAI) with AI-based name matching enables integrated border management

The Challenge

Cross-border activity has grown in both volume and complexity, but the goal remains the same — facilitating the movement of legitimate goods and travelers while keeping a country safe from harm. Frontline personnel face the daunting task of quickly identifying and mitigating numerous evolving threats across diverse and dynamic environments every day.  

Further compounding these efforts are sophisticated and well-financed terrorist and transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) that exploit the latest communication technologies and PAI for their illegal cross-border activities. Border security professionals must make rapid decisions at points of entry to disrupt the flow of illegal goods and bad actors, but outdated technology, tight budgets, and limited data sources hinder their efforts.  

The Babel Street Solution

The Babel Street Ecosystem makes it possible to enhance mission-critical point of entry screening operations, targeting, and investigations with automated processes for assessing risk. Babel Street offers solutions for the multi-faceted requirements of border security agencies:

  • Targeting and risk assessment for travelers and cargo
  • Visa screening and vetting for trusted traveler programs
  • Verifying stories and background of irregular migrants and refugees/asylum seekers
  • Intelligence and investigations on persons of interest (POIs), transnational criminal organizations and their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs)
  • Social network monitoring for potential threats
  • Post-seizure analysis
  • Authorized economic operator (AEO) programs
  • Forced labor regulation enforcement

The Impact on Your Organization

Employing Babel Street's data and analytics solutions can help border security agencies:

  • Increase efficiency: Save significant time and resources while freeing your officers to focus on more critical tasks by using our AI-enabled technology for accurate border screening against multiple data sources in real-time.
  • Mitigate risk: Make informed decisions faster with more accurate and comprehensive data for disruption of illegal activity, thorough investigations, and advanced threat intelligence.
  • Drive consistent results: Ensure a higher degree of consistency in screening and decision-making processes compared with manual methods. Our AI-powered approach minimizes manual labor and false positives.
  • Promote economic vitality and protect citizens: Pave the way for a secure economic environment and keep citizens safe by deterring cross-border crime and speeding legitimate trade and travel. 
Image border control node
The Babel Street Difference

Integrated border management requires the best technology on the market

  • AI-Enabled Identity Resolution

    Accurately process millions of names against watchlists; tune matching behavior to fit your data and use case to reduce false positives and negatives

  • Multilingual PAI Search

    Supplement traditional data sources with OSINT to verify applicants for trusted traveler programs by automatically building a profile from publicly available info and digital presence

  • Confirm Identities with Digital Footprints

    Push out the borders to verify identities of irregular migrants and compare their stories against known migration patterns

  • Safe, Anonymous Web Research

    Conduct online research with a localized perspective in a secure environment for managing online appearance, overcoming IP address bias, and safely accessing and sharing files

  • Social Media Network and Influencer Analysis

    From keywords or a few accounts, map the social media network associated with an individual to identify high-risk connections

  • Ongoing Threat Monitoring

    Rapidly and persistently scan PAI and CAI sources to detect and track illegal cross-border activity, monitor the movements of individuals and groups of interest, and begin response planning

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