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Raw and Curated Data

Powerful Data Offerings

Babel Street Data employs advanced technology and deep analysis expertise to deliver an expansive array of raw and curated data across multiple topics, industries, and regions.  

Our ability to successfully navigate complex data collection problems allows customers to obtain the findings and insights they need without the need to establish an internal data collection infrastructure.

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Data Offerings

Use data intelligence to gain strategic advantage

Using a secure, scalable framework and ethical practices, Babel Street Data enriches and refines publicly available data, providing businesses and governments with the strategic advantage they need to detect threats, mitigate risk, and make informed decisions. 

Raw Collections

Babel Street Data Raw Collections come from thousands of public websites and span various topics and industries to provide organizations with high-quality data to derive critical insights.

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Key Features:

  • Robust library of global data collections that spans 95+ countries to provide localized perspectives, insights, and intelligence
  • Decades of historical data dating back as far as 2006 — empowering trend analysis and greater confidence for decision-making
  • Ethically collected data to ensure that sites are not overwhelmed with traffic and only publicly available data is collected
  • Delivery-agnostic data collections can be provided as JSON or CSV files or by API, S3 bucket, or Snowflake 

Categories Include:

  • Retail products
  • Telecommunications
  • Self-storage
  • Semiconductors
  • Automotive
  • Travel
  • Real estate
  • Geographic locations
  • And more… 
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Refined Information

Refined Information products bring additional value and insight to raw data collections by cleansing, normalizing, enriching, and combining the data for greater decision-making speed and efficiency.

Key Features:

  • Summarized output for analysis without loss of data integrity or quality
  • Leverages our aggregated data models for curated collections that provide key information for data analysts
  • Removes time-consuming tasks associated with combining multiple data sources
  • Provides cost savings by delivering multiple data sources in a single output, with the option to purchase sources in raw form
  • Smaller files than typical raw collections that can be delivered as JSON or CSV files or by API, S3 bucket, or Snowflake 

Categories Include:

  • Locational whitespace
  • Real estate
  • Retail
  • Self-storage  
  • Telecommunications
  • Semiconductors
  • Flights
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Custom Data Collection and Analysis

Not all data requirements fall into neat categories which is why Babel Street Data offers customized data collection, analysis, and intelligence planning services to meet customer needs. Our Strategic Intelligence Specialists help clients discover new sources and develop collection strategies in support of their specific use cases. We help customers build a comprehensive picture of risk, potential actions, and key variables, and can assist with monitoring and responding to any situation.

Key Features:

  • Rigorous scoping process to gain a full understanding of customer goals, data requirements, data accessibility, collection complexity, scalability, and potential challenges for the requested collection
  • Extensive database that enables curation of purpose-built data products to meet customer-specific needs
  • Removes barriers to collection and enables customers to focus on finding actionable insights for decision advantage
  • High value foundational reports with summarized findings that form the basis for intelligence toolkits
  • Visual understanding of complex challenges and relationships with Dynamic Knowledge Graphs
  • Persistent global monitoring, discovery, and intelligence automation to continuously assess risk and variables
  • Top-notch support from our customer success team 
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How will you use Babel Street Data for data-driven decision making?

Discuss your data collection and analysis challenges with one of our experts and learn how Babel Street can help.

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